Five Points to Be Remembered For Reflection Here and Now

6 mins read

By: Latif Hussain Shah Kazmi

1. Ethics of Healthy Criticism: We must respect all such people who initiate healthy criticism for perfection. Such an attitude prepares us to accept what is genuine, ethically permissible, humanely applicable and beneficial for all. We must not waste our time/energy for the sake of criticism only but evaluate every thought and action for more suitability according to timely situations. For healthy criticism, we must have knowledge and experience because mere qualifications and positions do not work. All those who invite healthy criticism make their claim or stake strong and applicable. We must also thank all such people who pinpoint our deficiencies, limitations and drawbacks in various areas of operations required in our life. We must invite our friends and lovers to judge and pinpoint our limitations, bad habits and immortal acts just to make us morally perfect.

2. Adamant Behaviour Brings Dangerous Results: We must take into account that mutual consultation regarding solving any social, political, moral or religious problem is essential for a better social order. We must be liberal in accepting or rejecting any idea, theory or proposal. We must not take it otherwise if our proposal or solution is not accepted. Adamant behaviour invites a hatred attitude and destroys mutual humanistic relationships and our society cannot progress. So, we should try our level best to be accommodative, ethically generous, and socially helpful. All sorts of clashes in society, culture, and nation or on an international level arose due to the adamant behaviour of a ruling individual or class, party or group. All such people are not friends of humanity but try to damage it for their personal adamant selfish behaviour. We should stop this and not give a long rope to pseudo leaders of politics or religion or others.

3. Projecting Others down does not Elevate Oneself up: We must respect every hard-working honest person who always makes effort to contribute something to society without any reservation. Some people, with their dedication and honest effort, may get a high position; we should appreciate them for such elevation. However, there are people, both literate and illiterate versions, who do not bear such a high status as others and start to degenerate them for no reason but jealousy. In this way, projecting others down does not elevate one up or a high-class person. All our prayers, good actions and Godly claims turn down and fruitless. We should be careful about such an attitude…but it is not easy…

4. Appreciation of Merits of Opposition is a Hard Task: We have also observed that it is also difficult to appreciate the positivity or merits of any opposition individual, party or group. Our enemy also can perform good actions, possesses humanistic qualities of serving people, can contribute to welfare programs of society and so on. However, it is not an easy task to appreciate the opposing person or group for their fruitful contribution or unity. In the process of ethics of disagreement, we must be ethically more sensitive and appreciative to others and be generous for all good works and avoidance of evil ones. We usually live and die with a hateful attitude and do not realize and enjoy the sweetness of ‘Love’ or a lovely attitude. So, why people will remember us and for what?

5. Ethical Application in Disagreement Reflect Your Cultural Background: We must respect those who avoid conflictive attitudes in social welfare activities and show their loyalty to human service to please God only. We must think that “ we all are from God and hark back to Him” and it is a fact; so, at every moment and movement, we must be cautious of our behaviour and thought and action. We may test a person’s behaviour and can easily infer about his/her ancestral heritage. Our thought, behaviour and activities reflect our culture and family background. Some people with high cultured families do not afford to demean or insult on damage others and still, others do. So, the main difference between an educated with a sound cultural and ethical background AND others being educated but an uncultured background is that the former is accommodative, active, patient and morally strong whereas the latter is adamant, passive, and impatient and morally weak and cruel.

Latif Hussain Shah Kazmi
 is Professor Department of philosophy AMU Aligarh. 
He can be reached at 

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